Available Home Inspection Types

Yonaka Inspect Homes St Charles County Mo

Buyer’s Inspection – This inspection provides a clear picture of the condition of the home, and provides the information to help make an informed decision.
  • An overview detailing the key findings.
  • Improvement recommendations for conditions.
  • Color photos and illustrations providing additional clarity about the condition of the home.
  • Specialty Services: Yonaka Home Inspection Services LLC has partnered with a number of reputable and experienced companies to provide specialty services to our clients.  These services complement our home inspections, targeting potential areas of concern which fall outside of the scope of a regular home inspection.  Contact us to learn more about our Specialty Services.
Seller’s Inspection – Designed to help sell your home more quickly, easily, and effectively.  Our seller’s inspection helps to prevent last minute surprises and provides a sense of comfort and confidence to potential buyers.
  • The inspection report will include improvement recommendations for conditions.
  • Full-color photos and illustrations for clarity about the condition of the home.
Phased New Home Inspection – This is a unique inspection specifically designed for new construction.
  • Foundation Inspection: This is a look at the structure of a home before building materials are added which could conceal potential issues.
  • Pre-Drywall Inspection:  This allows for the framing, plumbing, electrical systems and security systems to be inspected thoroughly.
  • Final Inspection:  This is the final fit and finish of your new home.  A new home should be perfect before taking occupancy.
Condominium Inspections – When buying a condominium, you’re buying a small component of a large building. Our condo inspections help protect your interests.
  • A condo inspection will provide insight on common condominium issues such as moisture, heating and cooling, air quality, and prior damage.
Post Purchase Inspection
  • This inspection will help evaluate your home and identify key areas that require immediate maintenance or eventual upkeep.
  • All major systems in your home are inspected and our client is provided a full inspection report along with a one-on-one session with the inspector to discuss any and all findings.